The RCN8SS Series has a reduced entrance of 5” and contains 1” holes above the debris field to work as a snorkel.
RCN8SS 8” X 5.5” 12” Long Crown Nozzle reducer to get into the invert. Vactor Style
RCN8SSC 8” X 5.5” 12” Long Crown Nozzle reducer to get into the invert. Camel Style
RCN8SSV 8” X 5.5” 12” Long Crown Nozzle reducer to get into the invert. Vac-All Style
RCN8SSA 8” X 5.5” 12” Long Crown Nozzle reducer to get into the invert. Aquatech Style
With our reduced crown nozzle you don’t have to ruin your 8″ crown. Save it! Southland Tool’s crown is reduced to 5/5″ and it will go right into the 6″ or 8″ invert and suck up all the debris in the trough.
The RCN-8SS is just 12″ long overall. It’s really easy to store on your truck.
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